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Pet Holidays


•    Walk Your Pet Month
•    National Train Your Dog Month
•    Unchain a Dog Month
•    January 2: National Pet Travel Safety Day
•    January 2: Happy Mew Year for Cat’s Day
•    January 14: National Dress Up Your Pet Day
•    January 22: National Answer Your Cat’s Question Day
•    January 23: World Spay Day
•    January 24: Change a Pet’s Life Day
•    January 29: Seeing-Eye Guide Dog Anniversary


•    Pet Dental Health Month
•    Dog Training Education Month
•    National Cat Health Month
•    Responsible Pet Owners Month
•    Spay / Neuter Awareness Month (AKA Beat the Heat Month)
•    Pet Dental Health Month
•    February 7-14: Have a Heart for Chained Dogs Week
•    February 11–12: Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show
•    February 14: Pet Theft Awareness Day
•    February 20: Love Your Pet Day
•    February 22: National Walk Your Dog Day
•    February 23: International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day
•    February 25: Spay Day USA / World Spay Day


•    Poison Prevention Awareness Month
•    March 3: It Pets Had Thumbs Day
•    March 9-13: Professional Pet Sitters Week
•    March 13: K-9 Veteran’s Day
•    March 16-22: National Poison Prevention Week
•    March 23: National Puppy Day; Cuddly Kitten Day
•    March 28: Respect Your Cat Day
•    March 30: Take a Walk in the Park DayMARCH


•    Heartworm Awareness Month
•    National Adopt a Greyhound Month
•    National Pet First Aid Awareness Month
•    Prevent Lyme Disease in Dogs Month
•    Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month
•    April 1–7: International Pooper Scooper Week
•    April 1–7: National Raw Feeding Week
•    April 6: National Siamese Cat Day
•    April 6-10: National Dog Bite Prevention Week
•    April 8: National Dog Fighting Awareness Day
•    April 10: National Hug Your Dog Day
•    April 11: National Pet Day
•    April 11: Dog Therapy Appreciation Day
•    April 17-23: National Pet ID Week
•    April 18: Pet Owners Independence Day
•    April 21: Bulldogs Are Beautiful Day
•    April 23: National Lost Dog Awareness Day
•    April 25: International Guide Dog Day
•    April 26: National Kids and Pets Day
•    April 26: Hairball Awareness Day
•    April 27: World Veterinary Day
•    April 28: National Pet Parents Day
•    April 30: National Tabby Day
•    April 30: Adopt a Shelter Pet Day
•    April 30: National Therapy Animal Day


•    Chip Your Pet Month
•    Pet Cancer Awareness Month
•    National Pet Month
•    Responsible Animal Guardian Month
•    National Service Dog Eye Examination Month
•    Lyme Disease Prevention Month
•    May 1: National Purebred Dog Day
•    May 3: National Specially-abled Pets Day
•    May 3–9: National Pet Week
•    May 3–9: Be Kind to Animals Week
•    May 3: Mayday for Mutts
•    May 4–10: Puppy Mill Action Week
•    May 11: National Animal Disaster Preparedness Day
•    May 14: International Chihuahua Appreciation Day
•    May 30: International Hug Your Cat Day


•    Adopt a Cat Month (AH) / Adopt a Shelter Cat Month (ASPCA)
•    National Pet Preparedness Month
•    National Microchipping Month
•    June 1–7: Pet Appreciation Week
•    June 4: Hug Your Cat day
•    June 8: National Best Friends Day
•    June 9: World Pet Memorial Day
•    June 22–28: Take Your Pet to Work Week®
•    June 17: Take Your Cat to Work Day™
•    June 19: National Garfield the Cat Day
•    June 26: Take Your Dog to Work Day®
•    June 21: Dog Party Day
•    June 24: Cat World Domination Day  


•    Dog House Repair Month
•    National Lost Pet Prevention Month
•    National Pet Hydration Awareness Month
•    July 1: ID Your Pet Day
•    July 5: Pet Remembrance Day
•    July 11: All-American Pet Photo Day
•    July 15: National Pet Fire Safety Day
•    July 21: National Craft Your Local Shelters Day
•    July 21: No Pet Store Puppies Day
•    July 31: National Mutt Day


•    National Immunization Awareness Month
•    August 1: DOGust Universal Birthday for Shelter Dogs
•    August 2–8: International Assistance Dog Week
•    August 5: Work Like a Dog Day
•    August 8: International Cat Day
•    August 10: Spoil Your Dog Day
•    August 15: National Check the Chip Day
•    August 17: National Black Cat Appreciation Day
•    August 17: International Homeless Animals Day
•    August 22: National Take Your Cat to the Vet Day
•    August 26: National Dog Day
•    August 28: Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day
•    August 30: National Holistic Pet Day


•    Happy Healthy Cat Month
•    Guide / Service Dogs Month
•    National Pet Insurance Month
•    Animal Pain Awareness Month
•    Responsible Dog Ownership Month
•    Pet Sitter Education Month
•    September 1: Ginger Cat Appreciation Day
•    September 13: National Pet Memorial Day
•    September 13: National Hug Your Hound Day
•    September 21–27: Adopt a Less-Adoptable Week
•    September 19: Puppy Mill Awareness Day
•    September 19: Responsible Dog Ownership Day
•    September 20-26: National Dog Week
•    September 20-26: Deaf Pet Awareness Week
•    September 23: Dogs in Politics Day
•    September 28: World Rabies Day


•    National Animal Safety and Protection Month
•    Adopt a Dog Month (AH) / Adopt a Shelter Dog Month (ASPCA)
•    National Pet Wellness Month
•    National Pitbull Awareness Month
•    October 1: National Fire Pup Day
•    October 1: National Black Dog Day
•    October 1–6: National Walk Your Dog Week
•    October 1-6: Animal Welfare Wek
•    October 4: World Animal Day
•    October 4: World Pets Day
•    October 9: Pet Obesity Awareness Day
•    October 16: National Feral Cat Day
•    October 19-23: Veterinary Technician Week
•    October 26: National Pit Bull Awareness Day
•    October 27: National Black Cat Day (UK)
•    October 29: National Cat Day



•    Adopt a Senior Pet Month
•    National Senior Pet Month
•    Pet Diabetes Month
•    Pet Cancer Awareness Month (AVMA)
•    November 1: National Cook for Your Pets Day
•    November 2-6: National Animal Shelter and Rescue Appreciation Week
•    November 7: National Canine Lymphoma Awareness Day
•    November 17: National Black Cat Day (US)


•    National Cat Lovers’ Month
•    December 2: National Mutt Day
•    December 15: National Cat Herder’s Day

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